EBC Mixed Cup - successful day
First Day appeared to be really successful. First success belonged to the couple – Ivan Kamieniarski & Agata Sidło – who defeated their opponents – from Estonia. After the match – Ivan said:” I did not expect that we could win with such good players. I simply love this sport and wanted to enjoy the time while playing in this beautiful surrounding – I did not assume we could win with the Estonian couple”. When it comes to other players – none of the favorites let us down – K.Stiepanov & N.Sieroshtan (RUS), R.Babica & K.Wesolowska (POL), A.Koshevoy & V.Nagornaya (UKR)-all still in game.
Today hundreds of people could watch the competition, around 200 participated in games organized by the organizers in special pool venue prepared in another part of the shopping center.