Konrad Piekarski (18 y.o.) won in Polish pool billiard ranking.
He was better than Radosław Babica by 2 pts. The winner got from sponsors a car, which this year was Fiat Punto. Polish Billiard Association will fund his starts in EURO TOUR 2012 and Dynamic Best of the East in 2012. Poland is the only country where the best national player receives a car as a main prize. Our congratulations to Konrad!
Konrad Piekarski with his trophy.
2011 Polish Champions are:
8 ball - Piotr Kudlik ( LP Metal Fach Sokółka),
9-bal - Mateusz Sniegocki ( BC Mario Mikołów)
10-bal - Tomasz Kapłan ( BC Mario Mikołów)
14/1 - Konrad Piekarski ( LP Metal Fach Sokółka)
8-ball - Karolina Pikul ( Ósemka Rzeszów)
9-ball - Katarzyna Wesołowska ( Nosan Kielce),
10-ball - Karolina Pikul ( Ósemka Rzeszów)