Sensation in Moscow
Albanian player N. Mataj became a winner of an international tournament – Kremlin Open.
In a final match he defeated M. Immonen, the world champion, 11:8.
“Mika was ineffective in breaking and in the first part of the match he made two mistakes. I was breaking very well and it gave me an advantage.
Finally it was enough to win” said the winner. The 3rd place took ex aequo R. Chinakov from Russian Federation and A. Kasakis from Greece. Generally 56 billiard players took part in the tournament. Beside the finalists, the well-known among the competitors were the European Champions: S. Cohen (FRA), K. Stiepanov (RUS), S. Tot ( SRB), I. Putnik (CRO), T. Kapłan and R. Babica (POL).
The prize money amounted 35.000 €, from which the winner received 7.000 €. It is proper to congratulate the organizers - Moscow Confederation of Billiard Sport, that in spite of smaller amount of players (at first 128 players assumed), they paid all awards included in regulations.