The games started with sensations – favourites lost their matches. Ladany was defeated first by the Polish Champion of disabled people M. Kubalski and then by former world champion of juniors – Marek Kudlik. The second player in 2014 ranking – C. Surdea (Romania) lost with M. Szaszor and M. Czarnecki. The European Champion, Mateusz Sniegocki was beaten by Ukrainian junior - V. Patsura and the former world vice-champion of juniors and the winner of Polish 2012 ranking lost his matches with W. Banek and Fortunski. Big surprise was that Ewa Bak, as the only of the ladies, got to the final stage after she had defeated the bronze medalist of Dynamic Best of the East – Bulgaria 10-Ball – Radoslaw Milkov from Bulgaria. R. Babica, T. Kaplan, W. Banek, M. Turkowski, M. Kudlik and M. Czarnecki have shown us a perfect game. In a final stage we could observe 30 players (25 from Poland, 2 from Romania, 1 from Bulgaria, Ukraine and England).
The drawing of pairs in play-off’s was not very lucky for many players but very desired for the spectators as they could watch realy exciting competition. In the first match Sniegocki defeated Ladany. C. Surdea was better than M. Kubalski and later than T. Kaplan nut in quarterfinal lost with Sniegocki. Nevertheless Surdea could be happy of his second place in general ranking as R. Babica was defeated by W. Szewczyk. It is worth to underline the good condition of Vitaliy Patsura from Ukraine, who defeated both of Fortunski brothers (7:2, 7:2), W. Szewczyk (7:6) and in semifinal M. Czarnecki (7:5). The second finalist – Marek Kudlik also had no simple way to the final. First won the match with Konrad Piekarski (7:4) then with Daniel Maciol – Junior European Champion (7:5) and then with Mateusz Sniegocki (7:4). In the final match Patsura was apparently tired and had no power to fight with Kudlik, who won the match (7:1) and the tournament. The results of the competition in Poland didn’t cause any big changes in general ranking. There were 8 Poles and 2 Romanians in top 10 and Romanians took the first and second place - this had never happened before in Dynamic Best of the East. provided live streaming of the most interesting matches on Grzegorz Kedzierski took care of the broadcast and Jan Nieweglowski and the commentator – Emil Paliwoda prepared technical part of the event. Many thanks to the host of the tournament - Piotr Kedzior, owner of the Pino club in Debica.
The top of the 2014 ranking:
- Ioan Ladany (ROM) – 375 pts
- Cristian Surdea (ROM) – 325 pts
- Radoslaw Babica (POL) – 315 pts
- Tomasz Kaplan (POL) – 240 pts
- Michal Lichodziejewski (POL) – 210 pts
Full results: