Recently, we celebrated the World Play True Day proclaimed by the World Anti-Doping Agency. On this occasion, under the patronage of the WCBS Anti-Doping Commission and the WCBS Solidarity Anti-Doping Fund, an international competition for juniors was held at the Pino club in Dębica. Billiard players from Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Albania took part in it. In the first tournament for the title of "Master of Billiards Technique" players performed tests scoring points.
The Slovak Mark Szabo turned out to be the most effective. The second place went to
Dean Lisik (SVK), and the third to Ernest Nowacki (Bila Zduny) and Patrik Ferko (SVK). The main tournament was the EEBC Junior Championship. 40 players took part in it.
The winner was Michał Wiech (Nosan Kielce) ahead of Dominik Homza (Green Club Gdańsk). The bronze medals went to Jakub Chrobot (Nosan) and Marcin Chmiel (Green Club).
The action was carried out as part of the EEBC International Billiards Academy program.
The awards and medals were presented by the director of EEBC, Piotr Kędzior, and the director of the Academy, Krzysztof Waszak.